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Mice infestations are one of the most common pest problems encountered in households across Canada. These small rodents may appear adorable in the wild, but in homes, they are capable of wreaking havoc through extensive mice damage.

They can also pose serious health risks to the residents, which is why, in this article, we will tell you how to identify a mouse infestation and how to effectively resolve it.

How to Identify the Presence of Mice in Your Home?

There are several signs that indicate the presence of mice in a dwelling. Below, we will explain the most common ones:


Mice are nocturnal creatures, and as such, they tend to be active in the darkness. During the quiet of the night, it is quite easy to hear the scratching of their paws or their movements within the walls.


The presence of mice in the house leaves behind evidence of their presence through the dirt they generate. On one hand, you may come across droppings, which are small and usually found in hidden places.

You might also find urine, both of which can contaminate various surfaces and serve as a breeding ground for diseases.

Contamination of Food

In their quest for food, mice may nibble on some food items, in addition to contaminating them with their droppings and urine, which can spread various diseases.

Types of Mice Damage

In addition to the ones mentioned earlier, mice damage in homes is another notorious hallmark of these rodents. The most common types of damage include:

Damage to Furniture and Appliances

Mice damage to furniture is primarily due to their constant chewing, and can destroy various appliances and items in their quest for food or shelter.

Similarly, these animals can also chew on wires, which can pose a significant risk of fire or electrical shock.

Deterioration of Insulation

Just like with wood or other materials, mice can chew and destroy the insulation in a home. This type of mice damage results in heat loss, leading to increased heating costs.

Structural Damage

In many homes, some structural elements are made of wood, which poses a significant risk if these rodents reach them. Mice damage to those elements not only compromises the structural integrity of the home, but also their repair or replacement is often quite costly.

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What are the Consequences of Having a Mouse Infestation at Home?

Mice damage can have a significant impact on the health and safety of households. Some of the risks associated with mouse infestations include:

By gnawing on electrical cables, mice can cause fires, resulting in severe damage to properties and their occupants.

Mice can transmit various diseases to humans, such as salmonella, leptospirosis, and Weil’s disease.

The presence of mice can trigger asthma attacks and other respiratory conditions, as they are animals that produce a large number of allergens.

How to Prevent Mice Damage?

To prevent mice from colonizing a home and causing serious damage to the property and the health of its occupants, it is advisable in all cases to:


  • Keep the house clean and free of clutter, as mice seek dark and cluttered places to hide.
  • Repair holes and cracks on the exterior of the house, as mice can enter through them.
  • Store food in airtight containers. Otherwise, mice will attempt to chew through any containers where food is stored.
  • Set up mouse traps. It is one of the most commonly used methods, although it is often not sufficient when dealing with infestations.
  • Contact a mouse pest control company, such as Savvy Pest Control Ltd. If the infestation is severe, professional assistance is necessary in such cases.


As you have seen throughout these lines, mice damage goes beyond harming your home, also impacting people’s health. Therefore, it is important to take measures to prevent these rodents from infiltrating your home and to eliminate them if they are already present.